Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Sleeping Arrangements?

Today, Emma was my only child in the right bed at naptime.

Ben was in Mommy and Daddy's bed. I couldn't seem to lay him down without a fuss in his crib.

I caught a glimpse of Ben "playing with the angels" aka smiling in this one!

Kate decided she'd regress to infant days...she's done this a few times lately. Maybe it makes her feel like the baby again. I guess she doesn't know she always will be in our eyes.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No Shoes, No Socks, No Problems!

Kate and Emma love the outdoors, especially their sandbox!

Check out this closeup. It may have been 45 degrees outside. I dress them with a heavy coat and they go outside and immediately take off their shoes. It's Kate in this picture, but usually they both have a need to feel the ground beneath their feet.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doctors and Dentists

Today was a big day...Ben had a follow-up with his cardiologist for an arrhythmia that was discovered during my last week of pregnancy and was still present at birth. He seems to be doing great to us and is already over 11 pounds. He can hardly wear any of his newborn clothes. Anyway, he did great...Dr. Trant said things are sounding much better and sent us home with a Holter monitor for 24 hours. He doesn't seem to mind it at all, but I think Kate and Emma see it as some special toy they aren't allowed to play with (but really, really want to!) They had some excitement of their own today...their first trip to the dentist...Dr. Oliver! After fussing a little when Dr. Oliver "counted their teeth," they got a goody bag and Kate actually wanted to do it again. They had a lot of fun in the office as you can see and the staff was wonderful to them! No cavities and four teeth to go for Emma...way to brush girls!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Little Pumpkins

We left Ben at home and made our annual trip to the Fall Festival at the Farmer's Market. They were so excited about picking out their pumpkins!

Kate and Emma LOVE to play with their Daddy and are quick to call for him when they are in trouble. Lately, that has been all too often!

All three dressed in their camo. Daddy was so proud!

This weekend we enjoyed a visit from Aunt Betsy, Uncle Carter (aka Daddy Preston), and Baby Preston. I think Ben and Preston are going to be forever known as Baby Ben and Baby Preston. Emma, in particular seemed very concerned with Preston's arrival. I think she thought he may be staying; however, they had loads of fun and she was actually disappointed with his departure!